Medical speciality dedicated to studying injuries of the muscular and skeletal system.
The imaging service IMED Hospitales represents the best complement to the area of traumatology. The available equipment at IMED facilitates the work of our professionals and allows them to provide accurate diagnosis in thos cases that may be more complex by the nature of the injury.
All our centres have magnetic resonance imaging (highlighting the resonance of 3 Tesla), multislice CT, conventional radiology and ultrasound, for a diagnosis of high quality in traumatology.
A full team of professionals applying the most advanced techniques, aided by the most innovative technological means. This combination of factors allows us to offer a comprehensive service of traumatology and orthopedic surgery first level in our environment.
We perform in daily basis orthopaedic surgical procedures, mostly hip and knee prosthetic replacement, shoulder prosthesis and arthroscopy procedures of the knee, hip and shoulder and small joint arthroscopy.

The Traumatology and Orthopaedic Surgery Service of IMED Hospitales offers each patient a team made up of 16 doctors, who diagnose and treat all diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Dr. Antonio Antón Lledó
Head of Service
IMED Elche, IMED Alcoy

Dr. Adriano Amaro Bueno Sorrentino Capelo
IMED Elche

Dr. Alfonso Cort Gomis
IMED Elche

Dr. Alfredo MartÃnez Vasques
IMED Elche, IMED Torrevieja

Dr. Daniel Alejandro Gómez González
IMED Elche

Dr. David González Pérez
IMED Elche

Dr. Eva Vera Giménez
IMED Elche

Dr. Francisco Ivorra Ruiz
IMED Elche
Sports Traumatology, Spine, Orthopedics

Dr. Gerard Mahiques Segura
IMED Elche

Dr. Hugo Marquina Ferrer
IMED Elche

Dr. Irene Hernández Hernández
IMED Elche

Dr. Jorge Febles Oviedo
IMED Elche

Dr. Jose MarÃa Durán Peñaloza
IMED Elche

Dr. José Miguel de Haro López
IMED Elche

Dr. Juan Francisco Abellán Guillén
IMED Elche

Dr. Julio Hartinger Remolina
IMED Elche

Dr. Luis Gutiérrez Sánchez
IMED Elche

Dr. Miguel Francisco Carrato Gómez
IMED Elche

Dr. Pablo Mas MartÃnez
IMED Elche

Dr. Pedro Juan Vicente Bernard
IMED Elche
Sports Traumatology, Orthopedics, Spine

Dr. Silvia Correoso Castellanos
IMED Elche
Sports Traumatology

Dr. Francisco Ivorra Ruiz
IMED Elche
Sports Traumatology, Spine, Orthopedics

Dr. Pedro Juan Vicente Bernard
IMED Elche
Sports Traumatology, Orthopedics, Spine
The imaging service IMED Hospitales represents the best complement to the area of traumatology. The available equipment at IMED facilitates the work of our professionals and allows them to provide accurate diagnosis in thos cases that may be more complex by the nature of the injury.
All our centres have magnetic resonance imaging (highlighting the resonance of 3 Tesla), multislice CT, conventional radiology and ultrasound, for a diagnosis of high quality in traumatology.
Regenerative medicine is a discipline that has made the leap from elite athletes to the general public in IMED. Treatment with growth factors and enriched plasma allows faster and comfortable recovery of the patient’s injury.
In IMED we apply the platelet rich plasma through an autologous procedure (the patient’s own blood is used), so it is completely safe.
One of the areas in which our professionals accumulate more experience is in prosthetic hip knee and shoulder surgery. This surgery very significantly improves the quality of life of the patient with discomfort in these areas by wear of the joint. Our surgeons use next generation prosthesis, and perform a study and personalized monitoring of each case, for the patient to return to normal life as fast as possible after surgery.
Complex fractures • Arthrosis • Treatment for instability and pathologies of the rotator cuff
- Arthroscopic Surgery
- Prosthetic Surgery
- Prosthetic Revisions
- Tendon Plasty
Tendon Injuries • Rhizarthrosis • Catastrophic Hand Injuries • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome • Trigger Finger • Dupuytren’s Disease • De Quervain Syndrome
- Microsurgery
- Trapped Nerves
Spinal Stenosis • Herniated Disc: Lumbar and Cervical • Vertebral Fractures • Scoliosis • Lumbar Arthrosis • Lumbago
- Percutaneous techniques
- Infiltration
- Ozone Therapy
- Radiofrequency
- Lumbar or Cervical Arthrodesis
- Vertebroplasty or Kyphoplasty
- Lumbar or Cervical Discectomy
Joint Mice • Complex Fractures • Incipient Arthrosis • Degenerative Arthrosis • Hip Bursitis • Arthritis
- Arthroscopic Surgery
- Prosthetic Surgery
- Prosthetic Revisions
- Osteosynthesis
Meniscal Tears • Chondral Injuries • Ligament Tears • Patella Pathologies • Arthrosis • Arthritis • Complex Fractures
- Prosthetic Surgery
- Prosthetic Revisions
- Osteosynthesis
Hallux Valgus, Varus and Rigidus • Hammer Toe • Flat Feet and High Arches • Metatarsalgia, Pathologies of the Tibialis Posterior Muscle and Achilles Tendon • Sprains and Torn Ligaments • Knee Prosthesis • Complex Fractures of the Foot and Ball of the Foot
- Percutaneous Surgery
- Osteosynthesis and Athrodesis
- Treatment for Ankle Instability
- Arthroscopic Surgery
- Morton’s Neuroma
- Metatarsal Realignment