Medical speciality dedicated to comprehensive patient care.
The Internal Medicine team of Hospital IMED Elche is composed of:

Dr. Victor MartÃnez López
Head of Service
IMED Elche
Internal Medicine

Dr. Arturo Jose Botella Ortiz
IMED Elche
Internal Medicine

Dr. Fernando Bonilla
IMED Elche
Internal Medicine

Dr. Marouane Menchi Elanzi
IMED Elche
Internal Medicine

Dr. Nora Thais Galipienso Goñi
IMED Elche
Internal Medicine

Dr. Yesica Sánchez MartÃnez
IMED Elche
Internal Medicine
Diseases and disorders
- Cardiology
- Endocrinology and Nutrition
- Respiratory Diseases and Conditions
- Geriatrics
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Emergencies
- Haematology
- Infectious Diseases